Friday, April 14, 2006

Fate and Destiny

Destiny or fate refers to the inevitable course of events. It may be conceived as the irresistible power or agency that determines the future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe. --- from Wikipedia.

I can't help but think about the concept of fate and how this intangible "fate" continues to twirl hapless human beings around its fingers like a playtoy. I never really believed in fate because I used to think that one's own life or destiny lies in one's own hands and he should carve out his own destiny and path in life and make it happen through his own actions.

Yet, as I grow older and experience various heart wrenching and disappointing moments in my life, I can't help but think that perhaps some things are just meant to be. Perhaps some things are just fated by the gods. Perhaps everyone of us on earth has already got some plans mapped out for us by the superior beings up above. I still remember clearly how I always hated it when my ex's mum always tried to advise me, " William, if its yours, its yours and nobody can take it away from you." I refused to believe it. I hated it. I rejected it.

Yet, looking back at that piece of advice, it suddenly dawned upon me how true that statement is. I looked back at my life and re-evaluated my past experiences and relationships and realised that without fate, I would'nt have turned out this way. I tried so hard in the past but now, I am truely resigned to the belief that I should place my hopes in fate and let it show the way.

The realisation takes time to kick in. But one day, it will sink in. And fate will decide everything.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Will said...

I couldn't agree more with ur take on adversity. However, there is one major problem though. What if one never achieves victory after much adversity? What would it be then? Sorry, just the Cancerian pessimissm rearing its head.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger ah nuan said...

the lioness wld say victory isn't everything. the learning process matters more.


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