Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Its amazing how life once again presents one of its ironies to me. Just two months ago, I was whining about how life is boring and unexciting due to my rather uneventful stint in NUS. It was so boring and uneventful I almost wanted to call it quits.

Yet now here I am. I guess the new job breathed a much needed gust of fresh air into my hitherto insipid life and offered me a new challenge in my life. I must say the change in environment really turned my life around. Now, my life has a purpose and the vibrant teaching environment has injected my life with a renewed sense of direction. The lost ship that was drifting in the vast ocean, searching for a shore to land, has finally found its harbour where it truely belongs.

I love teaching. I always harp on how much I regretted signing the MOE bond because I could have had better job opportunities outside. I could have had a higher pay in the private sector. But now that I am in my job, it suddenly dawned upon me how much I love and cherish this job. The thrill of teaching just fires my soul up and let it soar across the azure sky, enjoying its moment of exhilaration.

My life....I am loving every single minute of it.