Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Beast Let Loose

The cage is opened.

The chains went loose.

Somebody let the animal out.

Some brave soul decided to open the Pandora Box.

Those idiots thought they can cage the Beast for eternity.

Gotta be kidding me.

The imprisonment has only injured the Beast and made it more resentful.

Now the injured animal seeks payback.

Now, theres no stopping the Beast.

The Beast is going to have a Feast.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I got to know a Japanese penpal today.

Her name is Narumi. She is 18 and she lives in Tokyo.

Unlike girls from my own country, she is warm, friendly and not so egoistic. She realises that the world does not evolve only her and she is willing to take the risk to make a new friend, which is more than can be said for girls from my country, of which I am ashamed to even mention the name here. Oh by the way, I am from Singapore.

I hope the friendship can really develop and blossom for we share similar interests. Sounds promising to me. We do not get to meet in person but I guess the email will help us break the ice and be a test of our sincerity to really stick it out as friends.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The killing fields

"Go go go" the Lieutenant shouted as the 516th Parachute Infantry landed in Sulawesi. We had just taken the most important mission in our lives, to put an end once and for all to the Indonesia raging bush fires for the good of human race. The helicopter had dropped us deep into enemy territory but surprisingly we did not take any fire from our enemy.

"Probably those mother fuckers are asleep. Well. I ain't surprised. Given their reputation for corruption and laziness, they are probably jerking off somewhere." 2nd Sergeant Koh laughed as the fellows of the platoon get ready for their drop into the forest.

"I want to kill those Indonesian mother fuckers, Sir!"

" I can't fucking hear you, Corporal! Are you talking to your honey in bed and are you going to come anytime soon cos I swear to God your answer is so soft it sounds as if your dick is about to come any moment, you pussy shit!"

"I want to kill those Indonesian mother fuckers, Sir!" Corporal Tan shouted across the parade sqaure of voluteer troopers who had signed up for this sacred mission. The sweat flowing down his face could not hide the exposed veins on his forehead that made him look like a no-nonsense Terminator style killer that will cut your throat without the slightest emotion or fear. He knew damn well what he had signed up for. He wanted revenge for his mother, whose lung cancer took a turn for the worse when the haze engulfed the island. His body convulsed with fury as he recalled the dazed expression of his mother when the doctor told her that the tumour had spread because the haze had contained particles that are cancerous. He did not know who or how but he wanted to kill.


"Incoming!" 2nd LT Kang shouted as he saw the tracer artillery whizzed over his head.

"Fuck! I'm hit!" 2nd Sg Koh yelled as he collapsed in a pool of his own crimson blood. The artillery round had landed near him and one huge sharpnel had pierced his leg.

"Mother fuckers! Let's get them!!! Go!" the fury was unleashed. This was the moment. Sweet revenge. Exactly what these guys had signed up for, a taste of Indonesian blood. 2nd Lt Kang led the charge into the forest with 20 men.

"Go to hell. You mother fucking firestarters! Take that you piece of Indonesian corrupted shit." Corporal Tan fired his M-16 rounds into the already dead carcass of one of the firestarters who body convulsed with the bullets from Corporal Tan's M-16.

2Lt Kang shouted to his troopers as he caught a glimpse of the surviving Indonesian fire starters escaping in his four o'clock position, " Don't let them get away! Kill them all! Leave none of those goddamn mother fuckers alive!"

It was a sight to behold. All the barrels of the guns were immediately aligned towards the direction of those who are desperately trying to escape and the formation was almost like that of the firing squad in Chinese prisons. The cacophony of gunshots that ringed in the air was almost deafening as 20 over machine guns and M-16s fired away at the firestarters as if they were performing symphony orchestra at the Esplanade. The fireworks was spectacular and it even dwarfed Corporal Tan's impression of the National Day fireworks at Kallang which he witnessed every year.

The job was done. The execution had taken place. The revenge had been drawn. But the bloodlust had just begun.

"We need to call for extraction back to the island" 2Lt Kang told his overweight signal man.

"No sir. We need to push. We can kill them all. We can take them on. We can end this haze bullshit once and for all. We must exterminate their entire goddamn race so that our future generation will never suffer again!" Corporal Tan's bloodshot eyes beamed as he stared at the rotten Indonesian carcasses. "Kill them all! Leave none alive!"

Will the mission end? Will it continue? Stay tuned.....


Sunday, October 15, 2006

F*** up education system or simply f*** up genes?

I wonder if our education system is f*** up or is it just human genetic nature?

Asking someone out for a dinner in Singapore is like a very very very serious life and death matter.

Boy: Hey, how about dinner?
Girl ( gives him the "look": Eh...

uNEASINESS. Girl changes topic and tries to shift the topic. In other words, a subtle/ balatant rejection.

Something is wrong with humans in Singapore. Nobody dares to take risk anymore. Its just a freaking simple dinner and people think that the guy is a rapist or pervert. If the guy does not even have the chance of the dinner, how to get to know each other better, to know if theres a chance?

So we have become superficial. We do superficial things. Go for looks? Not Wang lee Hom? Sorry you got no chance.

Thats the intelligence level and shallowness of people here. Genes? Gee.. I got no problem with friends from all over the world except Singapore. I wonder if its the system of human genes. Somebody tell me....

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I found a tuition agency job. Its for me to teach for a year at a learning centre. Sats and Suns burned but it might offer me the chance to earn like 30 per hour at 9 am- 6pm which works out to be abt 1500 additional per month. Its an offer too good to turn down and I haven't even counted in the weekday nights yet.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Limit break

I think I must have reached my plateau.

For today, I went numb for some reason. Not physically numb but mentally and emotionally numb. I felt nothing for the whole day. Not a single feeling.

I just sat there playing DOTA the whole day and sleeping the day away. For that moment, I did not feel a thing at all. Just ceaselessly punching the keyboards and pawning away. My brain seems to be automatically programmed to the game and I did not even have to think much to play.

I must have reached the plateau.

No feeling. Cold and calculated.

I watched WTC yesterday. It was highly emotional but I did not cry. I wonder if I have become cold and hard as the alligator's skin, impenetrable. Unable to break down and emote normally. Have I turned brutal and heartless or is it just a defense mechanism to prevent myself from getting hurt?

The coldness scares me. That an emotional person could become so cold and rigid is beyond my comprehension. And the thought of me not being able to comprehend things scares me.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Once again, I have reached stagnancy.
I crave for success but where is the opportunity?

I can only just wait for the opening...sigh...a long long wait.....